Bird Panel Quilt Along Part 3 Blog Post 3
Quilt Sew Along Part 3
Hey everyone it's Part 3 of a 5 blog post series, so this is blog post No.3.
Each blog post will have a mini sew along video, to show you how everything is sewn together. To watch video click her.
I personally want to say a massive sorry that this blog post plus the next blog post should of been live before Christmas 2021. However i personally came down with covid in a bad way and it took me 6 weeks to get really over it and I'm still struggling with my breathing which you may hear in the video when you come to watch it. After getting back on my feet i had to knuckle down on deadlines for the business so i had to put this back until now. So I'm sorry for the big delay.
Right lets get putting this quilt back together.
This post is all about the quilt back and as you know we still have some bird blocks left over and fabric.
So here is the finished quilt back up on my design wall.

The lighting is very poor in this area of the apartment as its the winter but I'm going to list all the cutting out here now and because there isn't many pieces there isn't going to any images in this blog post to show you what goes where, as i will talk you through everything in the video.
Just like the last blog post there is a link up above to the quilt along video for this blog, as in this blog there is only measurements for cutting out the video will explain where each piece will go,
Here is a few notes to help you.
Before i cut any of the fabric i pre shrink all my fabric. How i do this, i spray starch on all of the above pieces of fabric and using stream, set my iron to just over medium heat temp and press the fabric. Doing this will shrink the fabric and will not mess around with your measurements when you have to press your quilt blocks etc.
Label all the pieces as i have listed in each cutting out section on each blog post.
For cutting out i advise you to use a cutting mat, a rotary blade cutter and a good size quilting rule with inch measurements on.
Other than starch and the things i have listed for cutting out, i also use a 1/4 inch foot on my sewing machine, an iron and wool pressing mat (just a pressing mat or ironing board is needed), a size 90/14 sewing needle for my machine and i use Aurfil 40wt cotton thread.
Cutting out the pieces for the quilt back.
Image A (large bird blocks) x2 (15inches by 16inches)
Image B (Small Bird Block) x1 (9 inches by 10 inches)
Out of your white backing fabric cut the following
Piece A cut 2 (23 inches by 9 Inches)
Piece B cut 2 (23 inches by 3 Inches)
Piece D cut 4 (4 inches by 16 inches)
Piece F cut 2 (18 inches by 64 inches) (you may need to sew two pieces together to make the 64 inches)
With the left over fabric from the front quilt fabric I used the Grey (Front quilt main fabric)
cut out the following piece
Piece C cut 2 (8 inches by 10 inches)
Out of the blue (contrast fabric)
Cut out the following piece
Piece E cut 2 (2-1/2 inches by 64 inches) (you may need to sew two pieces together to make the 64 inches)
So now follow the video and watch where all these pieces are pieced.
Once your quilt back is pieced it will be a little bigger than your quilt front, DO NOT cut it down to fit the quilt top front. The reason for the bigger back is all about when you quilt a quilt it shrinks a bit so making the batting and quilt back a little bigger means you are allocating for the shrinking that will happen.
Now your wondering what the left over contrast fabric is for, well that is for your binding which we will use in the very last blog post.
So the next blog post is all about making the quilt sandwich and quilting.
So what you will need for the next sew along is
Your need 1-1/2 metres this will leave you some left over for cushions and small projects
I will be showing how to spray baste the quilt together
so if you don't have any of the spray basting spray here is what i use
So I'm looking forward in completing this quilt soon
See you all next time
Happy Sewing